Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 21, 2011

Noah lately - 9 months

Noah has been a busy boy lately!  Below are a few videos of what he has been up to.  He loves to ride on his new toy and it is really cute because he holds his feet up when I push him on it.  He loves to wave at people and his laugh cracks me up.  I am really enjoying watching him grow and develop.  At his 9 month doctor appointment we found out he is in the 23rd percentile for weight and 80th percentile for height.  He is standing up on his own sometimes without any assistance or holding on to anything.  He is finally getting some teeth and his bottom two teeth are coming in together.  I will miss his gummy smile:) 

Noah enjoys crawling all over! 

Noah loves being tickled.  It makes him laugh so hard!

Noah loves riding around on his toy.


  1. Great videos! I love your dog checking him out and then deciding to go the other way. :) Noah is such a cutie!

  2. Coop and I have been sitting here watching all of the videos on "No No." So cute! I am glad I finally got to see them! I always check everything on my iPhone and can't figure out how to pull up the videos on there :(
